martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

My high school education

About my high school experience, I can say for sure it was an excellent one. I was in the same school since 1997, and I really liked it. The thing that makes my school so good for me, was the importance that they give to non-traditional subjects, like literature, visual arts, music, social sciences, etc. My favorite subject was literature, because it was really interesting and I had incredible teachers, one of them I am still in contact with, talking about university, and staff like that. My teachers in general were very good, and because of the personalized education system that my school has, they always care about you, not only as a student, but as a person, trying to help you in all the fields and not only in the academicals. Also an important thing was the flexibility in the program that gave you the option of adapting the program, for example, I had humanistic and artistic interests, so they allowed me to be in the humanistic program and take some artistic subjects anyway, so it was a great opportunity to develop my skills and interests. I think all the things I had just mention, affected in a strong way my posterior decisions, because having the option of increasing my interests at the same time that my environment was worried about me and my development, make the process much more integral, but I understand this is not an option for the majority of the Chilean children. I think the principal way of making the education better in this country, is giving it the importance it deserve, and spending the money that is necessary to give a quality education, that consider all the aspects of the person, and integral education that develop the person in every way. A problem of my education was the academic level, maybe I need a pre-university to come here, but I think it is not really significant, because when your abilities are developed, learning new things isn’t difficult, that why I think integral education is so important.

1 comentario:

  1. I undestand very well, my school was very similar in all the topic, but was a big scoohl whit many studiant for class.
