martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learning english at the university

Want it or not, learning English is very important today in a lot of aspects of the life, for example in the academic field, because you need it to learn about what other people is researching, being communicate with other professionals, etc. Despite I don’t like this so much, because I like my native language, I have to face the fact that today is important learning English (or mandarine Chinese), and I think It’s also a university’s duty making sure that all the current students have the possibility of learning English, especially when the secondary education is so unequal in Chile, but my point of view is that this objective is not being fulfill: ¿is the university achieving this? Or ¿are the students taking advantage of the space that University is giving us?

In first place I think an important factor to considerate is the big differences of the English levels that we, as students, are bringing from the school, because that’s what defines your future classification on one of the four levels that the university has. Then, a second factor is affecting the problem: the low motivation that students usually have about learning the language. Then, those who started on level 1, are not going to be as good as an student who started on level 4, even though he or she has done an approved the 3 previous levels. Then we can understand why the differences in the language manage are so big between students.

In second place, is fundamental to talk about the students and their motivation (o not) for English. We usually don’t take seriously the english topic, making just what is necessary to have relatively good marks, and finally approving the signature, but there in most of cases there isn’t a real interest for the language, no thoroughness in the study. I’ve been thinking a lot in this particular point, trying to understand the reason of why I wasn’t taking advantage of this, and I think this is principally my problem, or, in general, a problem of the majority of the students. But also, I think the signature could be more dynamic, giving more works, maybe making more projects and things like that than shorts exercises that doesn’t really motivate people to learn and enjoy English.

As a conclusion, I think English in university, or, at least at mine, because is the one I care about, should be re-think with the objective of being more motivating, so students put more motivation on the study of the topic, the levels results like they would so the inequality disappear, and finally… we can all really learn the language, considering its important to our professional and maybe even daily future.