martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Ecology and environment

I think when we talk about environment, people usually don’t know a lot about it, about different ways of taking care of it and the simple things they can do to be better with the environment. In other countries the thing is more internalized, people know about it, and they act consequently to this, but I think there are also other factors besides the low information and interest, like the life style or the economic situation you have, for example, a lot of environmentally friendly products are more expensive than the ones which contaminate more, another example of this is being vegan, because the special food that you need to have a balanced diet is expensive too. Also the Chilean idiosyncratic prefers having an easy life, than an ecological one. Despite of this, I think there are a lot of cheap and easy ways of taking care of the environment, like no throwing garbage to the floor, thing that we may considerate very basic, but in a lot of places it isn’t. Also, there are activities where we can be ecological at the same time we do a good thing for ourselves and our bodies, and help to clear the streets, like biking instead of using the car or the public transport.
I think that we just need to want the ecological style of life to really have it, look for different tips, and change little attitudes and activities, but a different case is to introduce this in places where there is not even a little of environmental conscience, that’s why I think it's important to work this matter with kids all around the country, special in those places with less access to internet and other media, ‘cause this topic has now an importance on that spaces, so the kids of the more isolated places are the ones who know the less about this, and the ones who can change the attitude of the rest of the people in their community.
In my case, I used to use a lot the bike, and lately there's something I am taking up again, not only for ecological reasons, but for health and well-being. I am a scout, so enjoying the nature is a really important thing for me, not only to live daily, but to teach other people. With my scout group we have done a few projects with kids in different towns, like Cañete, Calen (Chiloé), and other places where we have to work this topic with them, trying to make them more interested in this matter.
I think in Santiago, and all the country, the authorities have to start taking care of this, star giving the message in schools and publicity, and start regulating the industries and cars, and then all the society would be worried and making something for the environment.

1 comentario:

  1. Trini! I agree with you! authorities must be part of the process of educating and making people concern of this matter.

