martes, 31 de agosto de 2010


If I have the opportunity to travel to anywhere I want to, I don't know what would I choose, but right now I think France would be a good possibility. I would like to visit France because I had always liked the language and all the art and cultural options, and because my cousin lives there since like 20 years, so I just know him this year, when he visit Chile for first time in a lot of time. He is really great, and I like his way of looking the life in general. About France I know it is a beautiful country, with important intellectual and artistic centers, and also, I know it has beautiful beach, like in Biarritz (in the picture), Where my cousin lives. In France I would like to work at first, hopefully in a cinema, a library or an art gallery or something like that, even if I have to do a boring work, and then get used to the language and the life style, and may be study, but I’m not really sure of that… Anyway, I would like to travel a lot, knowing places and people and of course giving my cousin a very long visit.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

First semester

The last semester was a very good one in many aspects despite a lot of things that made it more difficult, like the earthquake and other things.
In the university it was a good term… my classes weren’t the most interesting, but at least one or two of them were really great, and I learned a lot, so despite it was really, really difficult, (specially at the end) it was ok. Also with my university friends it was a great semester, I get closer to them, and knew a lot of things about them, what was really good, because with the difficult semester we had on the academic field, having us each other, was really supportive.
In another aspect, with my family things were so much better than the last year, a lot of things started to work, and that was good for everyone.
Another thing that made the semester more difficult was having my boyfriend far, but our relationship worked really well anyway, so despite it was a big challenge for both of us, it finally ended well. I missed him a lot, but having him away give me more time for being with my friends, my family, and also, more time to rest and be alone, so it wasn’t so bad despite now I’m so much happier of having him here in Santiago.
I think all the things I did the last semester worked pretty well, the relations with my family and friends, the projects I worked on, like scout and the academic things, etc. It was finally, a really good semester.